Appreciation Circle

-by Tom Kovach

This month I would like to extend my appreciation for my dear friend Suzanne Blackburn.  While I met Suzanne in March 2020 at our first Board Meeting, I only met her in person at our fundraiser in New York City this November.  Suzanne loves Body Electric.  She was on the interim Board in 2019 before we got our non-profit status. She loaned Body Electric part of the money to buy the school from Tom Berry.

I knew nothing of those things when I nominated her as Board President.  I learned from our first encounter via Zoom that her passion for the school.  Her strength of character and her compassion was something a stranger like me could pick up almost immediately.

Since then, Suzanne has shepherded the nascent board into a group of dedicated individuals who gave lots of time, talent, and treasure to Body Electric.  She encouraged us to work hard and get to know one another outside the meetings.  That human connection has served the Board and Body Electric well. Suzanne supports Body Electric because of its mission of helping people.  She has been present when the unheard were heard; when those who felt untouchable were held and cherished; and when those who were alone found a lifesaving connection.

Suzanne has supported the efforts to make Body Electric more accessible and inclusive than ever before.  As she helps us continually reflect on our work, we approach it with our eyes wide open and find more ways to include and serve those who have not yet embodied the glorious truth about how beautiful they are and what juicy hugs they can give if they choose so to do.  Thus, spreading the gospel of eros like Joseph Kramer our founder said.  

She continues to be generous in her time and talent and is one of our largest donors.  I appreciate Suzanne for all of these things, but I value her spirit and friendship the most.  She has always been a great source of encouragement for me, and her energy is inspiring and often contagious.

You can read her bio here.

Suzanne Blackburn

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