David Townsend

David Townsend
David Townsend has spent the last twelve years encouraging people to create meaningful rituals for themselves and in community as part of their journey toward a bigger, freer, more joyful life.

David’s background includes degrees in religious studies, languages, and literature; over thirty-five years as a teacher; time spent at monasteries and retreat centers; a long creative practice in the visual and literary arts; and an abiding fascination with how ritual works in various world cultures and religious traditions. He keeps his blog on queer men’s creative and spiritual lives at www.anchorholder.blogspot.com. He has led retreats in North Carolina, Toronto, Nashville TN, and Western Maryland. As a Body Electric-trained sacred intimate for cisgendered men, he practices in person in Toronto and online through a six-session sequence described at www.phallicawareness.blogspot.com.

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