Appreciation Circle

By Tom Kovach

Every month I struggle with who I will highlight in our appreciation circle. Not because I don’t know who but rather there are so many people, I just can’t narrow it down. This month I had no problem though, I want to appreciate JoJo Bear.

JoJo came to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He is a Somatic Sex & Intimacy Educator in the San Francisco Bay area. JoJo uses somatic coaching, sexological bodywork, and hypnotherapy as tools to help people get out of their “heads” and into their bodies! His commitment is to create an environment where men, single or coupled, can feel safe enough to explore their wants, needs, and desires around their body, sex, and sexuality! His passions include teaching the Wheel of Consent™, Belly2Belly Embodiment, and Medibation.

JoJo is and has been many things to Body Electric. He has coordinated in the San Francico Bay area. He was in the class of facilitators we started just as the Pandemic hit. He started and led a group of the emerging facilitators creating a space of mutual support and additional learning as he arranged for many of our best faculty past and present to come and speak about their experience and style. He has revived and enhanced our Power Surrender and Intimacy (PSI) program. Recently, he has stepped up to help better support our newest coordinators and facilitating the Ambassadors online workshop.

We have spent many hours talking, laughing and brainstorming.  He helps me keep a positive attitude and motivates my creative juices. We can be radically honest with one another and compassionate and supportive. So, let me just say: JoJo I appreciate you!

Jojo Bear

JoJo is a Somatic Sex & Intimacy Educator in the San Francisco Bay area. JoJo uses somatic coaching, sexological bodywork, and hypnotherapy as tools to help people get out of their “heads” and into their bodies! His commitment is to create an environment where men, single or coupled, can feel safe enough to explore their wants, needs, and desires around their body, sex, and sexuality! His passions include teaching the Wheel of Consent™, Belly2Belly Embodiment, and Medibation. Visit JoJo’s website for more information on his work at:

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