Erotic Brotherhood 2024: 40th Anniversary Edition

Act now because registration ends soon!
This workshop is for gay, cisgender* men. We offer a variety of events, some for specific affinity groups and others for everyone.




3:00 pm -
  6:00 pm
Eastern Time
Combined online and in-person event

What's Possible

  • Expand upon your experience of personal erotic exploration of sensation and pleasure at Celebrating the Body Erotic and other in-person and online BE programs.
  • Create meaningful connections with other men focused on male erotic energy and the bonds of brotherhood through exploration of the core theme each month.
  • Experience a unique intermediate-level hybrid intensive with 3 integrated components.

What to Expect

  • We will co-create an intentional space where we can share, take risks, learn new skills, and most importantly, cultivate a deep connection with other Brothers.
  • A hybrid program of virtual, interactive, and in-person experiences to maximize opportunities for erotic exploration, heartfelt sharing, and brotherly fellowship.
  • Have fun, tap into joy, and play!
“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” Rumi

Meet Your Facilitator


Prerequisite(s): Completed an in-person or online program
Delivery: Combined online and in-person event
Jan 13, 2024  
- Jun 12, 2024
3:00 pm
  - 6:00 pm
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Costs (in USD)
$1,599.00 Regular Price
$1,549.00 Community (first 5)
$1,549.00 Body members
$1,439.00 Heart members and above
$1,399 Hybrid Sale
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.
Scholarships are available for this workshop. Click here for more info.


Who is this for?

This workshop is for gay, cisgender* men. We offer a variety of events, some for specific affinity groups and others for everyone.

Erotic Brotherhood 2024 will be delivered as a hybrid program consisting of five 3-hr online sessions + five 90-min online small groups + 4-day in-person workshop + one 90-min online closing session. This is a unique invitation to experience an intermediate-level hybrid intensive with three components:

Virtual Experience: each month in a Zoom session, we will focus on a core theme of Brotherhood: Integrity, the Heart, the Body, the Cock, and Spirit, where you will:

  • Experience an embodied group practice.
  • Tap into vulnerability around our core themes.
  • Connect through heartfelt sharing in smaller breakout groups.
  • Participate in a communal ritual to generate erotic energy.
  • Explore with your brothers in the virtual “playground”.


Interactive Components:

  • Brother Circles – 90-min monthly Zoom group meetings led by a facilitator and assistant. You will be in this group for the duration of the program.
  • Buddy Pairings – a monthly 1-on-1 pairing to focus on listening, connection, and “home-play” – this pairing will usually be with someone outside your Brother Circle and will change monthly to maximize the opportunity to make new connections.
  • Caim Circles – starting in July 2024, you will be invited to participate in this informal monthly circle for all men who have completed Erotic Brotherhood (including previous years’ attendees) to continue the brotherhood experience.
  • A private Facebook group –  for the attendees to connect, chat, and share thoughts with the other brothers.


In-person Experience: a 4-day gathering of brothers in beautiful Big Bear, CA, May 30 – June 2, 2024, where we will expand upon our monthly virtual and interactive experiences and focus on the core themes of Community and Eros where we will:

  • Create a communal living experience to practice aspects of our core themes.
  • Live, explore, play, and bond through erotic practices, rituals, eating meals together, fun events, brother circles, and buddy pairings.
  • Finally, we will all be meeting in-person after nearly five months of developing connections; a lot of the work building the container for the weekend will have been accomplished before we arrive.



– Saturday, January 13: 3:00 – 6:00pm Eastern

– Saturday, February 10: 3:00 – 6:00pm Eastern

– Saturday, March 9: 3:00 – 6:00pm Eastern

– Saturday, April 13: 3:00 – 6:00pm Eastern

– Saturday, May 4:  3:00 – 6:00pm Eastern

– Thursday, May 30 – Sunday, June 2: In-person @ Big Bear CA

– Wednesday, June 12: 8:00 – 9:30pm Eastern

Scroll down to register and learn more. For questions or more information, contact your coordinator Roy

*Cisgender is a term that is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) and identifies as a man is a cisgender man.


JoJo Bear (He/Him) is committed to creating environments where men, single or coupled, can feel safe enough to explore their wants, needs and desires around their body, sex and sexuality.
Pono is a passionate self-pleasuring enthusiast inviting everybody to create their own regular self-pleasuring practice.

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