🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include erotic touch)
Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Ken at
About the Workshop
Together with like-minded men we’ll share wisdom from out lives, explore the role of eros as we age and identify the ways in which ageism impacts and limits our sense of what is possible for ourselves.
As I’ve grown older, I found myself with few role models and lots of questions. I’ve grown to understand how so many of my expectations were shaped by our culture’s negativity towards getting older. I had no vision of what it meant to be a juicy older man! The actual experience of getting older has been far different from what I anticipated. Life as an older person can be challenging, but when has life not had it’s challenges? They’re just different now. I’ve come to see the possibility and freedom in this phase of life, and I embrace it. And I’ve come to understand more about how sex and sexuality will always be an important part of the life I want to live.
My intention is that you’ll leave this workshop with a renewed sense of possibility and a sense of how to live a great life.
For more information, please reach out to our coordinator Ken at
*Cisgender is a term that is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) and identifies as a man is a cisgender man.