Don Shine

Don Shine
Donnie wholeheartedly believes that connection to Eros can be transformational, and has the power to heal the world.

Don (he/him) is an educator who began his relationship with the Body Electric school in 2016. He is passionate about helping all people connect to the abundant and infinite supply of erotic energy that lives in all of us. He wholeheartedly believes that this connection to eros can be transformational, and has the power to heal the world.

The work of Body Electric helps others stand proud in their natural naked bodies, express their authentic sexuality with abandon, and discover a path toward living our lives to their fullest open-hearted potential. Donnie resides in Cincinnati, OH (on the ancestral land of the Shawnee and Miami tribes) and serves as the coordinator there. He looks forward to bringing this work to his Midwest brothers and sisters!

Podcast Episode 20: Don Shine

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