Celebrating the Body Erotic 3: Exploring Erotic Trance

Bring your experience of CBE 1 & 2 to a new level and go deeper into your breath, anus and genitals.
This series is for cisgender* men. We offer a variety of events, some for specific affinity groups and others for everyone.




6:00 pm -
  6:00 pm
Pacific Time
Los Angeles,
3.5 days in-person workshop

What's Possible

  • Practice receiving and giving anal and genital touch.
  • Connecting deeper in your erotic journey.
  • Learn new erotic techniques for sensual liberation.

What to Expect

  • Experiential communal practices that engage our Eros.
  • Facilitated Erotic Massage practice.
  • Building a knowledge and expertise of receiving and giving mindful touch.

Meet Your Facilitator


Prerequisite(s): CBE 1 & 2 or CBE 1 and Dear Love of Comrades
Delivery: 3.5 days in-person workshop
Feb 20, 2025  
- Feb 23, 2025
6:00 pm
  - 6:00 pm
Time Zone: Pacific Time
Costs (in USD)
$749 Regular Tuition
$869 Regular Tuition with overnight stay
$649 Early Registration (Limited Time)
$639 Community and Body Members
$599 Heart Members or higher
(Help us plan by enrolling early.)
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.
Scholarships are available for this course. Click here for more info.


🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include sexual touch)

Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Ken at socal@bodyelectric.org.

About this workshop:

Journey a little bit further with your erotic practices from Celebrating the Body Erotic 1 & 2 and take a dive deeper into Eros. We will move into further exploration of your breath, anus, and genitals. This offering is for folks who want to learn more techniques and experience with cultivating erotic rituals and learn how to deliver a trance dance erotic massage.

Experience a deeper more profound sense of Erotic Liberation in Celebrating the Body Erotic 3.

How can we support your decision? To learn more, contact Ken at  socal@bodyelectric.org.


*Cisgender is a term that is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) and identifies as a man is a cisgender man.


JoJo Bear (He, Him) is committed to creating environments where men, single or coupled, can feel safe enough to explore their wants, needs, and desires around their body, sex, and sexuality.

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