Dear Love of Comrades

Can you imagine the gathering of your dreams where you explore deeper levels of pleasure, intimacy, and connection? What could you discover about yourself at Dear Love of Comrades, this unparalleled communal-erotic experience?




5:00 pm -
  12:00 pm
Eastern Time
This event is for men of all sexual orientations and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people. This workshop will take place on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Mohican and Mohawk peoples.

What's Possible

  • Experience some of the advanced erotic bodywork offered by the Body Electric School
  • Develop deeper self-awareness that yields greater emotional clarity and freedom in your life
  • Learn to explore in a heart-centered, ethics-based erotic community

What to Expect

  • A strong mix of rituals with breath, intention, and music
  • Give and receive touch in a setting where personal choice, consent and interpersonal respect are paramount
  • Inspiring and rejuvenating connection to Nature
“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you?” Rumi

Meet Your Facilitator

What People Are Saying


Prerequisite(s): Celebrating the Body Erotic
Delivery: This event is for men of all sexual orientations and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people. This workshop will take place on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Mohican and Mohawk peoples.
Jun 3, 2024  
- Jun 9, 2024
5:00 pm
  - 12:00 pm
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Costs (in USD)
$2599 Regular Tuition
$2499 Community Members (First 5)
$2499 Body Members
$2239 Heart Members or higher
$500 Workshop Deposit
(Lodging and all meals included.)
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.
Scholarships are available for this workshop. Click here for more info.


🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include erotic touch)

Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Craig at

About the Workshop

Experience the gathering of your dreams, where full-body rituals and a community of loving brothers combine to ignite the deep power of your own erotic wisdom.  Dear Love of Comrades begins where Celebrating the Body Erotic leaves off. You are introduced to some of the more advanced work of the Body Electric School. The week combines erotic bodywork with heart-centered community and focuses on refining your erotic touch skills, expanding your techniques for breathwork, exploring the erotic joys of nature, and developing deeper self-awareness, inner freedom, and emotional clarity through the healing power of communal eroticism.

Come experience this unique opportunity to explore your heart’s desire in a community of warm camaraderie that often creates lasting, deep friendships within the global community of sacred brothers.

How can we support in your decision? To learn more, contact the Craig at


Craig Cullinane (He, Him) is a Body Electric facilitator, life coach, and Sacred Intimate focusing on embodiment, pleasure, and the awakening of the Sacred. You can learn more about Craig at
Don Shine (He,Him) wholeheartedly believes that connection to Eros is transformational and has the power to heal the world.

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