Healing the Wounded Healer

An opportunity to work through personal issues in a somatic, pleasure-based way to move towards liberation and empowerment. Experience a body-based understanding of what it means to be ‘wounded’ and a ‘healer’ and how we move in the world with these identities.
Register now! This workshop is only offered every 2 or 3 years.
This event is for women, non-binary, trans, intersex, and two-spirited people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions who feel belonging in women's spaces. This workshop will take place on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Cherokee people.




5:00 pm -
  1:00 pm
Eastern Time
Blue Ridge,
Week-Long Intensive

What's Possible

  • Explore the body as a laboratory for transformation and a vehicle for liberation.
  • The release of things that hold you back from your gifts including shame, guilt, fear and insecurity.
  • Experience the potency of healing in an intentional community rooted in conscious pleasure and eros.

What to Expect

  • Co-created community agreements and boundaries that help cultivate brave space.
  • A greater connection to Nature to enliven our innate sense of belonging, wildness, and more-than-human support.
  • A mix of conversations, embodied practices, and rituals done individually and in groups to explore wounds and engage with erotic energy. Exercises such as journaling, movement, breathwork, consensual touch, and art may be used.
"We often mistake the journey of healing as one that covers over a wound. But as wounds need air and light to knit and heal, our pain and sorrow need to be brought out into the open so we can be healed by life."
- Mark Nepo


Prerequisite(s): Completed a CBE or Intensive, or permission of the instructors.
Delivery: Week-Long Intensive
Mar 24, 2025  
- Mar 30, 2025
5:00 pm
  - 1:00 pm
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Costs (in USD)
$2,699 Regular Tuition
$2,609 Early Registration (until Jan 24) $2,599 Community or Body Members
$2,339 Heart Members or higher
$750 Workshop Deposit

(Help us plan by enrolling early. Lodging and all meals included.)
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.
Scholarships are available for this workshop. Click here for more info.


🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include erotic touch)

Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Lizz at lizz@bodyelectric.org.

About the Workshop

Join us to co-create a consent-based, intentional community to do the vulnerable work of laying out our wounds and inviting rituals, community witnessing, and erotic practices to move through our pain and into personal and collective liberation. This is an intimate space that will require your courage, self-compassion, self-awareness, and care for others.
Many wisdom traditions teach that our greatest wounds can become our greatest gifts if we choose to do the work of moving through those wounds and healing ourselves. This residential program is an opportunity to dive into this work within a culture and belief that eros is healing. Breath, movement, and touch will be loving tools we use to greet ourselves and each other each day around our wounding. This program is open to all women.
We believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves & others in a myriad of ways. This program is not therapy though the intention is individual and collective healing. Our unique group will create its own energetics and magic, and together we will dance with the emergent dynamics of our collective while practicing choice throughout our journey.
This workshop will take place at the Heartwood Retreat Center in Blue Ridge, Georgia.  Take a video tour of Heartwood online here.

How can we support in your decision? To learn more, contact Lizz at lizz@bodyelectric.org


Lizz (they/she) is devoted to radical embodiment, authentic intimacy, and eros as life force. She offers a grounded, heart-centered, non-binary and often rebellious approach to teaching and facilitation.
Elisa (she/they) is all about re-membering (or consciously belonging to)… our bodies, our emotions and our kinship with Nature. She is a nature-based rite of passage guide, facilitating ceremonies for girls and adults.

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