🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include sexual touch)
Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Mark at
About this workshop:
Mark and Lizz will be faciliating this intensive with a wonderful team including Betty Martin.
In this Sacred Intimacy training, all aspects of the self are welcome; which includes touch, dialogue, feelings, sensuality and sexuality to be negotiated, explored and honored.
We define Sacred Intimacy as a conscious path honoring the erotic in body, mind, emotions and spirit.
This will be a hands-on, experiential training for folks who are open to working with all bodies and all genders.
Enrollment is contigent on a conversation with the faciliators.
A sense of calling to Sacred Intimacy. A willingness to be in community with all bodies and all genders. There will be reading and prep work given after registration.
How can we support in your decision? To learn more, contact Mark at