Our Philosophy

We believe
It’s your body, your pleasure, your choice

At The Body Electric School you have choice in all activities and we practice consent or “optionality”. We welcome all people ages (21 and up), all body types, cultures, genders, gender expressions, sexual orientations, races, and religions. We accommodate differently-abled people within the limits of the venue of the workshop.

Our Philosophy

The School’s work was first developed by combining the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism ( for more information click here) and esoteric Tantric traditions developed in India( for more information click here) with insights of western sexology, psychology, and neurobiology. Through various methods that include conscious breathwork, embodiment, educated skillful touch, and process work, we invite participants to tap, raise, and spread their natural erotic energy to increase and improve the flow of energy through the body. Our participants consistently experience increased aliveness and vitality, the healing of personal wounds, and the activation of their relationship with the Sacred as they define it.
You are invited into exploration, aliveness, erotic healing, expansion, and community! We are intrepid explorers, curious about the energy and power that lies within all of us.
We are open to learning and growing, and willing to take the risk of stretching, healing, and befriending our deepest selves. Please join us!
Philosophy Values

Our Mission

The Body Electric School fosters personal and communal healing through self-acceptance and intimacy. We do this with guided experiences grounded in erotic awakening and its universal connection.

Our Guiding Principles

Considering its origins, the principles of erotic empowerment as a pathway with connection to the ‘self’, the ‘work’ of The New Body Electric School is for all people who choose to access it.
Creating and maintaining an ethical culture is the responsibility of the Body Electric School Leadership. Everyone involved in or representing the organization must demonstrate, through their actions and example, behaviors that are in alignment with the following principles, as much as possible.
The following Guiding Principles are in place as a reference to the desired ethos in all activities conducted and persons representing The Body Electric School uphold.
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
  1. The work of Body Electric is Sacred
    • We view the organization as a whole sacred community, having energy and purpose of its own. We try to listen in to where the community wants to go and beware of forcing a direction onto it. Individuals are invited to inquire into their personal sense of calling to see if and how they resonate with the organization’s purpose.
  2. We value the power of vulnerability, trust, transparency, and the practice of staying in heart connection with ourselves and others.
    • What we invite and practice within the workshop space – heart connection, intimacy, authenticity, honest communication – we actively practice in the Body Electric community, no matter what role we have.
  3. Consent
    • At all times informed consent is explained, demonstrated, and required as an essential ingredient of respectful and honoring relationships within the Body Electric School community, workshops, and events.
  4. Confidentiality
    • We practice confidentiality to cultivate safe containers where psychological safety is valued, and members of the Body Electric community feel safe to take healthy risks and to be vulnerable in front of each other.
  5. Transparency
    • We value transparency in fiscal, operational, and management matters. When people have access to business information, they can act and take decisions that are good for the whole community. When there is transparency and openness, collective intelligence is available to all. Sensitive information can be shared because everyone is able and trusted to handle difficult news.
  6. Responsibility and Accountability
    • Everyone has a responsibility to the organization for sensing issues or opportunities and addressing them. People are expected to be comfortable with holding each other accountable for their commitments, through feedback and respectful communication.
  7. We value and cultivate the experience of Wholeness
    • Some ways we do this are:
      1. Equal worth: All people are of equal worth and at the same time different. A community will be the richest when members are able to contribute in their distinctive way while appreciating their differences.
      2. Safe and caring workplace: Situations are approached from love and connection rather than fear and separation. Creating a safe environment where everyone can behave authentically is essential.
      3. Overcoming separation: All people are connected. We aim to create a community where cognitive, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects are honored and valued.
      4. Relationships and Acknowledging Differences: It is impossible to change other people. We can only change ourselves. We take ownership of our thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions and honor those of other people. We don’t spread rumors. We don’t talk behind someone’s back. We practice non-judgmental behavior with positive regard that respects others through honoring the truth.
  8. Body Electric is a movement helping to liberate erotic aliveness. Therefore, we are committed to a clear social justice path. We believe that Black Lives Matter, we enthusiastically support LGBTQIA+ rights, and we celebrate and welcome all intersectional identities – from neurodivergence to religious beliefs, to disabilities. We celebrate all people. We actively invest in and work to build an equitable, inclusive, anti-racist organization from the inside out. We believe in science.

Code of Ethics

Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
  1. The work of The Body Electric School is sacred. We agree that as leaders of this organization, we act as stewards for all who attend our workshops.
  2. We agree to honor the presence and respect the dignity of all participants as our beloved community.
  3. We agree, in the course of our work, to build, secure, and maintain a safe container so that all who journey into this experience will feel protected and free to participate without fear of shame, judgement, exploitation, abuse, transgression, innuendo, or being placed in a position of risk.
  4. We agree to hold confidential all knowledge of participants, their experiences, comments, or reactions except where the suspicion or fear of harm to self or others exists.
  5. For those of us who have related practices, we agree that we will not be unduly coercive in promoting these practices for those who are in a vulnerable place.
  6. We agree to support this Code by having heightened awareness at all times of our own and other staff’s behaviors. We further agree to report any violations to the faculty in charge so that they may be addressed and rectified immediately.
  7. We agree to abide by the 60-Day Rule. This rule prohibits any sexual interaction between staff and participants for 60 days after the workshop. This rule is to ensure that participants have a safe, clear space to do their work. Exceptions to this rule are as follows:
    • A pre-existing sexual relationship.
    • Contracting for Sacred Intimate work or Tantra Coaching/Instruction. The sexual contact in either of these contexts is for the length of session/sessions and does not take place out of negotiated session time. Also, see #5 in the code of ethics.
  8. We agree to ensure that this Code is upheld by all who staff a workshop or program by asking for their consent to this Code prior to the commencement of all workshops or programs.
If you have any concerns, please email any of the following you are most comfortable with: admin@bodyelectric.org, Board@bodyelectric.org or JEDI@bodyelectric.org

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