André Martin

Andre Martin
Andre is passionate about helping people receive joy and pleasure in their bodies through touch, breath, massage and movement.

After completing his undergraduate studies in Music, André went into full-time Christian ministry work.  In the mid 90’s, after having a shift in belief he began his spiritual journey through other faith and belief systems.  In 2002, thru a series of “divine appointments” Body Electric found him and he attended his first CBE in KC, MO.  Two years later he attended the PSI workshop in Dallas, and it rocked his world.  He began to explore bodywork in a deeper, more connected level which prompted him to get licensed in massage.

It took a few years to “simmer and settle in” and in 2008 he became the local Coordinator in Tulsa, OK.  Through the years the Body Electric School has continued to play an important role in his life, leading him to become a part of the emerging faculty.  André brings with him years of working in service capacities through local and national non-profits, volunteer organizations, and opportunities as well as a love and passion for helping people receive joy and pleasure in their bodies through touch, breath, massage, and movement.  André currently resides in Aurora, CO.

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