Appreciation Circle

I want to extend my appreciation to some of our volunteers. We have a lot of people who have given generously of their time and talent to help make the Body Electric School possible. Truly, without them, we just couldn’t do it. 

Luca Marino has been helping us do outreach for “earned media.” He also helped us in our quest to find a location in Puerto Vallarta for our New Year’s Vision Retreat when the venue we had canceled unexpectedly. Luca knows the intricacies of effective PR; we are lucky to have him help us.

I met Robert Donfore at a workshop last year. He struck me as unsparing in his kindness and warmth. He has been helping with our social media postings, and thanks to his efforts, many more people have found Body Electric. The funny thing is when we put out a call for volunteers, and he offered his help, Reno Winston was the one who connected with him, and I did not realize for weeks who it was that was helping us. 

Kelly Huxham has been helping with our graphics. We were in a workshop in Victoria, BC, together, and I was moved by her depth of caring for the work. Although she started out as a volunteer, she now takes over for Reno as Marketing Director as he moves on to other pursuits.

Last but not least, I want to thank Reno, aka the human behind the emails, for his energy and the wonderful perspective he brought to marketing. It was a pleasure to get to know him, and he’s a lot of fun to work with. I am sure we will see him around. Working in a sex-positive organization leads to discussions you don’t normally hear as a part of daily operations and marketing. Reno collected a list of some of the best in his “Things you only hear in a BE meeting.”  

Thank you for helping people find their way to the BE Journey.

Tom Kovach
Executive Director

Body Electric School

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