Appreciation Circle

Allen Amus
Appreciation Circle 2

This month I express my appreciation to Allan Armus. He died recently leaving behind family, friends and  many who loved him in the Body Electric Community. He told me not long ago that he had attended 54 BE workshops. He meticulously cataloged each one along with the rosters. When we met, I was moved by his kindness, knowledge and how centered he was. He spoke many languages, had a great singing voice and loved his penguins. Allan imparted a lot of wisdom along with his humor. When we traded puns or had deep discussions on life, he always made me feel, heard and seen as well as intrigued. I was always struck by his ability to approach things with a beginner’s mind even when he was quite adept at the workshop. He would speak about an upcoming CBE with the same enthusiasm as if he had never been to one. 

He showed me the value of play and seriousness. His light will continue to shine in our hearts.

Thank you for helping people find their way to the BE Journey.

Tom Kovach
Executive Director

Body Electric School

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