BE On Demand

All Genders
Nourishing Cornstarch Massage
Learn how to give a delicious, sensuous, nourishing cornstarch massage.
All Genders
Moving Into Intimacy
Do you hunger for deep connection and life-changing intimacy? Follow your breath and feel your way through this sensual moving meditation weekend. Saturate your soul with the pleasure of embodied intimacy again and again until the treasure map to love is yours forever!

You are invited to join us in a beautiful embodied experience.

We invite you into Embodiment, Pleasure, and Connection with yourself. Explore the deepest parts of yourself: your erotic energy, your relationship with your body, your capacity to feel and expand aliveness, and your willingness to heal. We co-create conscious erotic community, setting clear boundaries about how we share space, how we practice consent in giving and receiving touch, and in the ways that we care for ourselves.
We practice the pillars of conscious embodiment, present moment awareness, the development of the relationship to our breath, and the cultivation of Pleasure as a healing and transformational energy. Come join us!
Body Electric offers a comprehensive journey for diving into your erotic body. No matter where you are in your experience level, you are welcome here.
Learn more about our journey and where you can jump in.
Body Electric is committed to radical inclusion. We are working to create safe and welcoming spaces for everyone of all genders and gender expressions, races, cultural ethnicities, abilities, body types, and economic realities.

Want to learn more about our philosophy, curriculum, and facilitators?

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Join our sex-positive community, and amp up your erotic life (and your inbox) with our weekly email. Workshops, updates, a $100 off promo code, and more. Side-effects may include: increased sexiness, peak pleasure and performance, and a magnetic and zen-like demeanor.


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