
Meet and Greet: Women’s Events

Come learn about our upcoming workshops for you!
This event is for women, non-binary, trans, intersex, and two-spirited people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions who feel belonging in women's spaces.


7:00 pm -
  8:00 pm
Eastern Time
1 hour virtual session

What's Possible

  • Meet some Body Electric facilitators and alumni and learn more about their life-affirming experiences.
  • Learn about the kind of healing that these workshops can bring to you.
  • Learn about opportunities to expand your capacity for pleasure, joy, love, and connection.

What to Expect

  • Expect an impeccable commitment to consent, choice, and autonomy.
  • Expect to meet fun love, edge-playing adventuresome folks like yourself.
  • Expect to learn more about this workshop as an opportunity to release shame and grow into our full potential.


Prerequisite(s): Curiosity and a sense of wonder!
Delivery: 1 hour virtual session
Jul 21, 2024  
7:00 pm
  - 8:00 pm
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Costs (in USD)
From: $0
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.


🌶️ = Low Spiciness (breath work and movement)

Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Special K at specialk@bodyelectric.org.

Body Electric is changing!

Are you curious about what’s happening with women’s and gender expansive programs? If you feel you belong in women’s spaces, join us for a FREE informational hour to learn more about what’s new, what’s next, and what’s possible for you.

You will have a chance to spend time with some familiar facilitators and meet some new folks. We’ll share some of our own transformative experiences and answer your questions.

This event will provide a safe, confidential space for open conversation about sexuality, consent, autonomy, intimacy and personal growth.


Suzanne (She/They) is dedicated to reuniting the erotic and the sacred and to helping people reclaim their essential Eros.
Elisa (She/They) is all about re-membering (or consciously belonging to)… our bodies, our emotions and our kinship with Nature.

Other Workshops

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