Taste of the Body Erotic for All Women

If you're looking to enliven your life and expand your pleasure potential, this is for you.
This event is for cisgender women, non-binary AFAB (assigned female at birth), trans women, intersex, and two-spirited people of all sexual orientations. This workshop will take place on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Wabanaki Confederacy, including the Abenaki, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Micmac peoples.


2:30 pm -
  5:30 pm
Eastern Time
3-hour in-person workshop

What's Possible

  • You will begin to understand how to release things that hold you back from your full potential, including shame, guilt, fear, and insecurity.
  • You will learn more about setting boundaries and choosing what's right for you -- just for you.
  • You will get a glimps of your capacity for increased levels of peace and pleasure in your body.

What to Expect

  • We will begin our time with some exercises designed to help people connect and build trust.
  • We will practice opening our senses with movement, sound, breath, and connection.
  • We will begin to learn the fine art of choice.
"My BE experience was equal parts fear, vulnerability, freedom, joy, wildness, and ecstacy." --LS

Meet Your Facilitator


Prerequisite(s): None
Delivery: 3-hour in-person workshop
Mar 15, 2025  
2:30 pm
  - 5:30 pm
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Costs (in USD)
From: $49
Fully refundable within
24 hours of registration.


🌶️ = Low Spiciness (breath work and movement)

If you’ve heard about Body Electric and wondered what the fuss is all about, please join us for this experiential, body positive mini-adventure. This three hour event will be an exploration of ice-breakers, movement, breathwork, intention, boundaries, self-expression, and play.

Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact Suzanne at suzanne@bodyelectric.org.


Suzanne (she/they) is a queer pleasure activist, dedicated to reuniting the erotic with the sacred and to helping people reclaim their essential Eros.

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