
Newest Episode(s)

Episode 59: Exploring Sacred Sexuality with David Townsend

David Townsend is a teacher, ritualist and sacred intimate based in Toronto. He calls his practice Anchorhold. Through Anchorhold, he companions gbq men on their journeys toward a bigger, freer, more joyful life.

In this episode, we explore sacred sexuality, the value of Phallus Pujas, and the importance of earth-based traditions to feed the Soul.

You can read his blog on gbq men’s spirituality at www.anchorholder.blogspot.com.

Learn more about Craig Cullinane at www.craigcullinane.com.



Episode 58: Goddess Amina Peterson talks Sacred Intimacy, Money, and the importance of erotic spaces for Black women

We are thrilled to have as our guest this episode Goddess Amina Peterson, the founder of the Amina Institute for Embodiment and Healing, which is the only somatic training community in the world created by and centering Black women. As a leading voice in sacred sexuality and somatic healing, Goddess Amna brings over two decades of expertise to the realm of intimate healing and personal growth. In this rich dialogue, we talk about sexual surrogacy, money, and the importance of erotic spaces that center Black women.

Learn more about Craig Cullinane at www.craigcullinane.com.



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