
Body Electric is committed to creating a safe and consensual container. Our policies detail these commitments.

Effective April 12th 2023, we will no longer require all participants, faculty, and staff to be tested before entering an in-person workshop. If any retreat facility we rent to host an event has more stringent requirements, we will be obliged to adhere to those requirements. The change in requirements is a policy shift that reflects our commitment to following the latest CDC guidelines.

In-Person Workshop and Intensive COVID Protocols.

The Body Electric School strives to create a safer environment for all participants and team members. Despite our protocols, we cannot guarantee that our workshops will be 100% safe from the spread of infection.

To support your attendance to be as comfortable as possible, we ask everyone attending a workshop to adhere to the Circle of Care below. 

Considerations and Preparations
  • We encourage all participants and staff to practice self-care before and after the workshop.
  • Please practice precautionary protocols when traveling, including masking and frequently washing hands.
  • If you are not feeling well, please do not attend the workshop. Notify the coordinator of your workshop as soon as possible. Your registration will be handled per our refund/cancellation policy.
  • If you become infected by COVID, we will support you in arranging transport, onward travel, or quarantine arrangements.
Body Electric maintains a standard for all participants to ensure a container that limits all attendees’ exposure to conditions that may be transmitted due to close intimate touch during all in-person workshops. Although we are unaware of everyone’s health status and needs, we strive to provide an excellent experience with your support.
We ask you to step into a “Circle of Care” for yourself and the group leading up to your workshop. To do so, we ask you to consider implementing these protocols for yourself.

Pre-Workshop Selfcare

Any questions or concerns will be answered and discussed openly with your coordinator. Contact information for your coordinator is in your Welcome Letter.


Since the virus may be carried asymptomatically and symptoms may appear before receiving a positive test result, we ask you to consider your well-being and the well-being of others by following these steps. This will minimize your risk of contracting the virus and will contribute to keeping the larger group safe.
  • If you are taking public transport to the venue, plan to wear a mask. If you are flying, we recommend you wear a mask at the airport(s), while flying, and until you reach the venue.
  • Please note any symptoms you might experience which may indicate you are carrying the virus. Common symptoms include fever or chills, cough or scratchy throat, fatigue, headache, muscle or body aches, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, the new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. If symptoms appear while in attendance, please notify team members and take a rapid test.


The CDC is tracking an outbreak of monkeypox, which has spread across several countries that do not usually report monkeypox, including the US. The virus is spread through close, personal, skin-to-skin contact with someone who has monkeypox. According to the CDC, since the monkeypox virus is closely related to the smallpox virus, the smallpox vaccine can protect people from contracting monkeypox. The data suggests that the smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.
We recognize that many in-person workshops include touch, and it is essential to ensure the well-being of all workshop participants. To minimize your risk of contracting monkeypox, please consider these protocols:
  • Perform full body checks daily if you engage in intimate and sexual contact with others.
  • If you feel you may have been exposed to monkeypox or if you develop symptoms before the workshop (fever, malaise, headache, muscle aches and backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion, respiratory symptoms, rash, or lesions), please seek medical support and then contact the coordinator to discuss moving your registration to a future workshop. Monkeypox can be spread from when symptoms first appear until the rash has healed, all scabs have fallen off, and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks.
  • Please notify team members immediately if you develop any symptoms during the workshop.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

With highly contagious and prevalent STIs, we ask you to monitor your sexual health before the workshop. If you feel you may be or know you have been exposed to an STI, please get tested to ensure your well-being and the well-being of all workshop participants. We recommend you reduce or limit sexual contact for up to 7 days before the start of the workshop.
  • In-person workshops often involve intimate touch. Before the workshop, if you discover you have an outbreak of a contagious skin disorder (e.g., herpes, crabs, scabies, molluscum, or genital warts) or a condition that is communicable through touch, please contact the coordinator as soon as possible.
  • If you develop symptoms of a communicable condition during the workshop, please notify team members as soon as possible.
While Body Electric will continue to monitor the above situations and provide protocols to support the well-being of all attendees, we cannot prevent the spread of any medical conditions. As part of your attendance at this workshop, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in our various operating policies, including our Participation Agreement and Release Policy. Please contact the coordinator if you have any questions.
The Body Electric School embraces the conventions of the Wheel of Consent founded by Betty Martin. BE supports each person’s choices and encourages them to be clearly spoken, heard, and honored. BE defines consensual activity as one in which there is a mutual and voluntary agreement among all those involved to participate. Consent applies to all interactions, but especially those which include physical touch.
The Body Electric School is committed to creating respectful spaces where participants feel safe and supported to explore their relationship with Eros and themselves; engage in vulnerable communication; take responsibility for their choices, and learn from their experiences. Mutual care is essential to every interaction in order to create consensual and nourishing connections.
The following guidelines are for creating a safer space for nourishing interactions in any situation:
  • Determine your own boundaries-You have agency!
  • Check-in with yourself during workshop activities. How are you feeling about what is happening? What are you okay with? What are you not available for?
  • Setting boundaries can be new and unfamiliar territory. We invite you to ask for help and get support. You can approach any facilitator or team member for support.
  • Ask for consent prior to acting, whether for conversation, sensual touch, or anything else that involves others.
  • Engage with curiosity by coming into every interaction with a spirit of exploration, and avoiding a fixed agenda or trying to persuade.
  • Invite, rather than expect.
  • Listen for a CLEAR yes. Listen for a CLEAR no.
  • Celebrate and appreciate saying NO or hearing No. Show gratitude for an honest reply.
  • Be aware of how impaired judgment may prevent authentic consent.
  • Be aware of all kinds of privilege that may create power differentials between you and others. Types of privilege include racial, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, class, ability, education, lack of trauma, and more.
  • Feel empowered to change your mind and revoke or reinstate consent.
  • Don’t assume that you can join in with others or that they will want to engage with you in that activity. Make a request if you would like to join.
  • Periodically check-in with yourself and your partner. Be aware if you are pushing your agenda over the needs, and wants, of your partner.
  • Remember aftercare. Complete interactions with a check-in.
  • Respectful honest communication, taking responsibility, and clearing up issues are the building blocks for learning and growth when mistakes are made.
A pre-condition for participation in all Body Electric (BE) workshops is to read, understand, and agree to the following:
  1. You are over 18 years of age and are freely choosing to attend this Body Electric workshop.
  2. You are participating in the workshop at your own risk. You assume all risk for your participation, including but not limited to any harm or injury that arises from or in connection with any pre-existing physical, psychological, emotional conditions that you may have, including but not limited to sexual or other trauma.
  3. You release Body Electric, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and other agents from any and all claims that may be made by, or on behalf of, you or your estate in relation to any injury, illness, accident, damage or other loss whatsoever that arises from or in connection with your attendance at or participation in the workshop and/or any follow-up events, whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise.
  4. You will respect the choices and boundaries of other participants and team members at all times. You will only engage in consensual touch. You will check in with others if there is any lack of clarity about their boundaries. You will not engage in non-consensual touch, harassment, coercion, or disrespect the choices and boundaries of others.
  5. You understand that you can choose to participate or not in any given activity. You can choose the level of your participation in each exercise. You can expect that your choices will be respected and honored.
  6. You agree to communicate my boundaries clearly. If you feel confused or unclear about your boundaries you will ask for help. You will speak up as soon as possible if you feel my boundaries are not being honored.
  7. You are responsible for your own experience and your own well-being. Like most personal growth workshops, you may at times experience discomfort including strong emotions and personal challenges. You will take care of your own well-being and ask for support and communicate clearly when needed.
  8. You understand that Body Electric workshops are not therapy. Body Electric Facilitators are experienced workshop leaders but are not serving as therapists at BE events. Team members are workshop participants who volunteer to assist.
  9. Body Electric does not assume responsibility for the behavior of participants, except to respond appropriately to problems observed by or reported to our staff.
  10. Body Electric reserves the right to remove or exclude anyone who does not comply with these agreements and anyone Body Electric has reason to believe is unwilling or unable to do so. This is for everyone’s safety and well-being.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in workshops offered by the Body Electric School and related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:
  1. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist; and,
  2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,
  3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation as regards protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,
  4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS The Body Electric School their officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“RELEASEES”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law
By registering for any BE event, you agree to and understood this participation agreement. You agree to release, discharge and hold harmless The New Body Electric School, its facilitators, owners, board members, staff, and other parties (each considered one of the “releases” herein), from all liability claims and demands regarding losses, injuries, or any other damages caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the “releases”. You further agree that if despite this release you, or anyone on your behalf, makes a claim against any of the releases, you will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releases from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.
Although participants of workshops find healing in the programs and practices of workshops, the Body Electric School does not provide mental, physical, medical, or emotional treatment, therapy, or services, nor are participants seeking such professional support encouraged to participate in programming. As such, the Body Electric School always encourages individuals who are struggling with clinical issues to seek assistance from a licensed medical or mental health provider.
The Body Electric School is responsible for the personal safety of all participants of its programs. To protect all participants, Body Electric School faculty, coordinators, and administrators retain the right at all times to refuse enrollment of anyone. If a person has registered for a workshop and a determination is made that the individual cannot participate, all registration fees will be refunded, and the registrant will be notified. If a determination is made that an individual cannot participate in a workshop once the program begins, the participant will be dismissed, all registration fees will be refunded, and the participant will be notified.
The minimum age for participation in The Body Electric School workshops and intensive programs is 18 years of age on the day of registration for a program.
Many people find Body Electric programs to be an experience that honors them in profound and meaningful ways. We create containers that are respectful and inclusive so participants can feel safe to explore ways to be more at home in their erotic bodies. We begin each program by establishing ground rules for common agreement, which helps ensure the best possible outcomes for every participant. It is important, therefore, that participants show up on time. Those who are late may not be allowed to participate in the workshop once the container has been formed. This decision is at the discretion of the faculty.

In today’s world, there are sometimes health risks with public exposure. We ask persons who have any skin disease or other easily communicable disease to postpone their attendance. The Body Electric School cannot be held liable for any illnesses incurred during a workshop. Also, we ask our participants to respect and follow our Circle of Care. 

Due to the physical exertion and potential increases in intraocular pressure during some of the workshop exercises, should one have a history of glaucoma or retinal disease, it is imperative to be cleared by a physician. The workshop also requires participants to engage in somatic-based practices, such as breathwork, movement, and other activities that require individuals to be able to have the physical ability to engage in moderate physical movement and activity. If a potential registrant anticipates experiencing limitations in movement, breathing, and other practices, they are encouraged to consult with the local coordinator prior to registering for a program.

Body Jewelry

In this age of assorted body jewelry, it is incumbent upon the individual to protect themselves and the equipment used in Body Electric workshops (specifically massage tables usually borrowed for our workshops). Please take care and help us to protect our equipment by removing your body jewelry prior to the workshop. If it is not removable, it is up to the individual to protect the equipment. Any damage to equipment will be the responsibility of the individual to repair or replace.
Body Electric promotes a meaningful and engaging community environment.
By participating in an online gathering / workshop or meeting, you agree to support the safety and transparency of all concerned. In order to ensure this, we ask that you:
  • Connecting on Time. Each gathering host will admit people approximately 5 minutes prior and up to 3 minutes after the scheduled start time. If you are late, you may not be admitted to the gathering.
  • Agreement with policies of consent and confidentiality.
  • Actively Participate. For the safety of all participants, we must consider such issues as cyberstalking and zoom bombing. To alleviate these matters, we reserve the right to request participants to identify themselves if requested by activating their camera and/or audio. Please connect with BE prior to 3 hours before the scheduled start time should this be a concern for you.
  • Be Respectful. As an organization, we endeavor to sustain an environment where all participants feel welcome. All of our gatherings are non-bias, non-discriminatory, non-political, and non-religious environments. Please respect this during all gatherings and workshops. Participants not abiding by this may be removed from the gathering at our discretion.
  • Private Chat and Breakout Rooms. All participants are to follow the respect protocols listed above while using private chat and in breakout rooms.
  • Nudity. For virtual gatherings or events that are open to the public and/or free, participants are welcome to be shirtless and visible from the chest up. For paid workshops and events, the level of nudity acceptable will be set by the facilitator to reflect the content and context of the workshop/event. We ask that everyone respects these boundaries.
  • Cameras should be on, although you may choose to be off camera.
Body Electric reserves the right to remove any participant breaching the above Policy at our discretion.
Should you have any questions about our policy or need to address a personal need, please email admin@bodyelectric.org.
Funds for all workshops are in US dollars. Payments can be cash, check, or credit cards Discover, MasterCard, or VISA.
Scholarships are also available via online application. Visit the Scholarships page on our website for more information.
Discounts on programs are sometimes available and are described for each workshop. See workshop description for further information. You may also join our Membership Program to receive discounts on workshops.
For an In-person workshop, full payment is due two weeks prior to the workshop unless otherwise stated on the event description. For online events, full payment is due prior to receiving event connection details.


(Effective for all Registrations that occur after 5/21/2024)

24-hour registration policy

With our 24-hour registration policy you can make changes or cancel your registration within 24-hours of paying your tuition without paying a fee. But there are a few rules:
  • You must register at least one week in advance.
  • You must cancel or change your registration within 24 hours of registering.
  • Only one change/cancelation per event registration
We understand unavoidable circumstances may happen. We ask that you give us as much advance notice as possible if you need to postpone or transfer a workshop date or offering. Once you are confirmed in a workshop, your payment is non-refundable. If you need to postpone, Body Electric has many workshops, both in-person and online, where you may transfer your payment. There is a 10% administration fee not to exceed $50.. If not cancelled 24 hours before the event you will lose your credit too. We encourage you to consider travel insurance, click here for a quote: Allianz

Credits are held for 12 months only from the date of postponement.

Scholarships and discounts do not transfer. Should The Body Electric School cancel a workshop, any payments made will be refunded in full or credited to another workshop at the discretion of the registrant. For any situation out of our control such as weather, retreat center closings or disasters, pandemics or government forced shutdowns, there will be no refund, but a tuition credit will be held for one year to apply to another Body Electric workshop. After one year there will be no further credit or transfer.

For Online / Virtual Workshops

Although rare, we occasionally decide to cancel a workshop due to low registration. We make this determination 4 days prior to the workshop. Therefore, please register as soon as you are committed to attending so we can confirm that the workshop will run.
Last updated: July 26, 2020


The Body Electric School is committed to the ongoing security of your personal data. The Privacy of collected data is managed through our website and membership portal provided by MC Trade (Personify) and their affiliated payment portal Authorize.net. This policy outlines the required information to support the safety and privacy of all users that enter data into these platforms.

Collection, use, and disclosure of personal information  MC Trade (Personify) and Authorize.net provide us with the online platforms that support the membership and bookings system for our services to you. Your data may be stored through their data storage, databases, and general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.

When you register for an event, open a member account, make a payment or use the subscription or contact page, we request, collect and store any information you enter while using the registration system, the Members area, or provide us information in any other way. This may include personally identifiable information (including name, email, phone number, password, and communications), payment details (including credit card information), comments, feedback, event attendance, and personal profile information.
By using these systems, you agree to the collection of your personal information and that it will be used for the specific reasons of contacting you about execution and follow-up of the services you have engaged; or to get you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about events and promote events, or as otherwise necessary to contact you. We will contact you via email, telephone, text messages, or postal mail.
At no time is your data used, sold, or provided to any third-party organizations, businesses, or websites. All data collected is for the specific use of providing an effective and efficient service for the offerings within this website.
We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy anytime, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. Suppose we make material changes to this policy. In that case, we will notify you here that it has been updated so that you know what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we use and disclose it.

Giving consent to others

Suppose you are registering guests or adding bundle members on behalf of others. In that case, it is automatically assumed you have the explicit permission of those individuals to provide their personal information on their behalf, and you have informed them of the details in the Policy.

Third-parties applications

Your data is not shared with third-party applications outside MC Trade and its payment affiliate .

Contact Us

Should you need to contact us with requests for your personal information or to change or delete your data, please contact us via email at admin@bodyelectric.org.

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