Special K

Special K
Special K is an advocate, educator, and facilitator who is passionate about empowering people to embrace their authenticity and take ownership of their pleasure.

Special K (they/them) is an advocate, educator, and facilitator who is passionate about empowering people to embrace their authenticity and take ownership of their pleasure. As the Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI), Special K combines their professional experience advancing equity for all people with their passion for exploring the depths of Eros. They are a queer, non-binary, white, visibly able-bodied individual who joyfully creates spaces that intentionally center marginalized voices.

Special K finds rejuvenation in nature, especially in hiking the woods behind their home. They love and find purpose with their two children and loving partner, and enjoy dancing, singing karaoke, and traveling. They live, work, and play on unceded Eno, Lumbee, Tuscarora, and Shakori lands, also known as Carrboro, North Carolina (USA).

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