🌶️🌶️🌶️ = High Spiciness (clothing optional events that may include sexual touch)
Does this event spark your curiosity? If you have questions or specific needs, please contact André at
About the Workshop
Your journey to the work of the Body Electric School may start with curiosity, invitation, or the recognition that “something is missing.” Celebrating the Body Erotic is where the exploration and filling of that gap begins.
The workshop is conducted in a playful, safe, consensual, and respectful setting and is clothing-optional.
In this workshop, you will:
Come to understand that it’s fully your journey, and it is about your consent and choices: “Your body. Your pleasure. Your choice.”
Expand your capacity to experience greater pleasure, aliveness, and satisfaction throughout your everyday life as you are guided through the integration of body, heart, mind, and spirit.
Be led through guided exercises focusing on breathwork, self-pleasure, heart-centered touch, and full-body massage.
Learn to give and receive more profound pleasure, grow to love and accept your whole self, and open new channels of personal healing through the fostering of your erotic energy.
Completing Celebrating the Body Erotic is a prerequisite for attending many other workshops, courses, and experiences offered by the Body Electric School.
How can we support your decision? Contact André at
*Cisgender is a term that is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) and identifies as a man is a cisgender man.