The Body Electric School has been hosting a weekly Heart Circle since the Pandemic. We started a Queer Heart Circle last year to provide space to the unique circumstance of gender expansive folx. These are free events to the community, and facilitated by volunteers who have tirelessly been there for others.
The situation in the world has changed and some times are more difficult than others. Many people feel the present circumstances are particularly challenging.
Consequently there have been a lot of people come and go throughout the years since we started the programs. Some regulars have been there from the beginning, some people have left and returned, others only feel they need to be heard for a short time.
None of this support would be possible without the time and care the facilitators have provided. So I want to close out the year with a big thank you to: Sher, Don, Tim, Special K, TJ, Shai and Willow for their service to the Community. These past and present facilitators have helped create a safe space in what sometimes feels like a storm.
With Appreciation,
Tom Kovach