Appreciation Circle

Heart shaped Tree with blue sky and purple landscape

The Faculty  The faculty of the Body Electric School is the soul of our work. They help create the containers within which we feel safe enough to do our work and guide us on our unique paths. The aftercare meetings they hold following the workshops help continue our community and ease us back into the […]

Episode 34: John Ballew is Back!

Body Electric Presents

John Ballew is the longest serving faculty member of the Body Electric School. In this episode of the Erotic Liberation Podcast, we explore Mature Eros and how to keep the embers of eroticism alive as we age. John will be facilitating a Mature Eros in-person workshop in Palm Springs in 2024. Why is it valuable to keep your erotic energy sparked as we age? Come find out!

The Erotic Liberation Podcast: Episode 2

Body Electric Presents

Join us as we welcome guest John Ballew, the longest serving Facilitator for the Body Electric School. After discussing the storied history of the School, we explore the wonderful world of anal pleasure!

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