The Body Electric School June Newsletter

Editor Andrew Willett

Written by Tom Kovach

Tom Kovach on the beach

Touching the Heart of Stillness

I recently returned from Touching the Heart of Stillness, an intensive taught by Steve Schwartzberg that he created with Michael Cohen many years ago. Steve brought the workshop back last year for the first time in nearly a decade. When I went to sign up for last year’s event, I hesitated at first. It brought up many fears — could I be silent for a week? And give up technology? And sit in meditation for longer than I was used to? But I could feel that this was something I needed to challenge myself with. So I overcame the messages I was telling myself, and I did it. 

Touching the Heart of Stillness combines a week of silent meditation with erotic touch in a carefully designed way that, for me, enhanced both components. The long hiatus for the workshop emerged in part out of Steve’s desire to fine-tune the balance of these two strands. How has he done that? I’m not going to share the specifics — because, as with other Body Electric School workshops, knowing too many details detracts from the experience and keeps you in your head, rather than in your body.

Inside the Sutra Hall where morning and evening chanting of the sutras occurs. Also the venue for many special Bodhi and community events.

But I will talk about my takeaways and experiences from last year. I found the time away from tech a huge relief and not a burden — so much so that I waited to turn my phone back on, because I wanted to extend the time as much as I could. The silence gave room to be present with situations, noticing, just noticing. It made the erotic portion more alive and juicy, like biting into a peach on a warm day. I left feeling grounded and focused on the challenges awaiting me in the world outside the Bodhi Manda Zen Center in Jemez Springs, New Mexico, where it is held.

This year I returned, and as any great teacher does, Steve had done some more tweaking, and the experience was even better. I was able to go deeper into the silence and be more present in the moments, noticing new things every day that I missed as I walked past them the day before. I was realizing the extent to which I move through life thinking about the next thing, or yesterday, instead of the “thisherenow.”

The abbess of the Zen center is Hosen, and both this year and last I found her presence at our mediations and Steve’s dharma talks to be powerfully welcoming and compassionate. Many of us have experienced harm from religious leaders, and to hear her talk about gay men with love was very affirming. Seeing her around the grounds, managing the needs of the Bodhi with grace and ease was both reassuring and a model for how to be centered, compassionate, and aware while dealing with life’s troubles. 

Steve Schwartzberg

Each time I took this workshop, I made a breakthrough with things I have struggled with for many years, by noticing how I was dealing with or avoiding those blocks. Both times I was moved by the compassion and generosity of those around me. I quickly found myself missing them when I left and looking forward to that Zoom follow-up. I deeply appreciate Steve’s teaching, guidance, and shared vulnerabilities, which made taking this trek so much more rich and attainable. Steve will be repeating this workshop next year, but be aware that it sold out this year and will likely fill up again.

Steve is also teaching another one of his co-creations this August: Erotic Temple. This will be Steve’s last time teaching it, so if you have not yet experienced it and would like to have a chance to with Steve facilitating, sign up now. I have not had the opportunity to take it yet, but I hear it is amazing. I hope to see you there.

BES Board Update

by Alexx Pryjma
Alexx Pryjma

This year marks a significant milestone for Body Electric School as we celebrate 40 years of life-changing programs and a rich and ever-deepening history rooted in integrity and intimacy. Our 40th anniversary celebration will be held later this year, on November 8th and 9th, at the Desert Inn in Palm Springs, California. The board’s dedicated 40th Anniversary Committee has been diligently planning a memorable event for this special occasion. We look forward to celebrating with all who plan to attend and those who can’t make it but will be present in spirit!

We have also established our committees and their chairs for the year, which play a crucial role in bringing discussions and recommendations to the board. The committee chairs are:

  • Finance: Ezra LoweWe have also established our committees and their chairs for the year, which play a crucial role in bringing discussions and recommendations to the board. The committee chairs are:
  • JEDI+: Suzanne Blackburn
  • Strategic Planning: Andrés Cordero
  • Governance: Eric Lange

The Board voted to update the school’s mission statement to better reflect our values and goals: “Body Electric fosters personal and communal healing through self-acceptance and intimacy. We achieve this through guided experiences rooted in erotic awakening and its universal connection.”

Tom Kovach, our Executive Director, has fostered a stronger collaboration between the board and the faculty, enhancing communication and mutual understanding. In April, core faculty members attended the board meeting, sharing more deeply about their roles within the school. This interaction allowed the board to gain a deeper appreciation of the faculty’s perspectives and operational experiences. Building on this momentum, board members are scheduled to attend the faculty meeting in June. This reciprocal engagement aims to create greater cohesion and integration, ensuring that both governance and educational aspects of the organization are aligned and working toward common goals. Tom’s efforts in bridging the gap between the board and faculty have set the stage for more effective and harmonious cooperation, ultimately benefiting the entire organization.

We look forward to a productive and celebratory year ahead!

Special Events

Andrew Gurza with text about event
Angels & Saints program

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